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Lawyers Assistance Program

VIBA Member Benefits in Partnership with NYSBA Access to Lawyer Assistance and Well-Being Programs

Through our partnership with the New York State Bar Association (NYSBA), members of the Virgin Islands Bar now have access to NYSBA's Lawyer Assistance Program and Attorney Well-Being Program. As a VIBA member, you will be able to access NYSBA's Lawyer Assistance Program and Attorney Well-Being Program.
Lawyer Assistance Program - New York State Bar Association ( Learn more here.
Attorney Well-Being - New York State Bar Association ( Learn more here.
(**NYSBA membership only permits VIBA members to access certain NYSBA programming. NYSBA is a voluntary bar association. Membership does not authorize the practice of law in New York. Participation in NYSBA programming is optional and you may decline to activate your NYSBA account**).

The Lawyer Assistance Program Committee was created as a means to encourage attorneys and their families to adopt and practice health lifestyles to improve their physical and mental well-being. The Committee shall continue the process of creating and implementing a program to provide assistance to members of the Virgin Islands Bar Association who suffer from substance abuse and addiction. 


LAPC is entirely separate from any ethics or Disciplinary Committee of the Virgin Islands Bar Association. Information received by LAPC concerning any lawyer seeking help or to whom assistance is offered is confidential. The confidentiality provided is that of the attorney-client privilege. 


Contact Us

If you have any questions about the program, or need additional information, please send us an email.